Showing posts with label File handling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label File handling. Show all posts

A Beginner's Guide to Reading CSV Files with Pandas

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a file format used for storing and exchanging data in a tabular form. It is a popular format for storing data because it can be opened and read by many applications, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. However, working with CSV files can be time-consuming and difficult when handling large amounts of data. That's where pandas.read_csv comes in handy. This Python function makes it easy to read CSV files and store the data in a pandas DataFrame, which can be manipulated and analyzed using various pandas methods.


Let's consider a sample CSV file named "sample.csv" with the following data:

Name, Age, City John, 25, New York Mike, 32, London Sarah, 28, Sydney

Here's how you can use pandas.read_csv to load this CSV data into a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv('sample.csv'


Name Age City 0 John 25 New York 1 Mike 32 London 2 Sarah 28 Sydney


pandas.read_csv is a versatile function that provides many options to customize the data import process. Some of the commonly used parameters are:

  1. filepath_or_buffer: Specifies the path to the CSV file or a URL containing the CSV data.

  2. sep: Specifies the delimiter used in the CSV file. The default delimiter is a comma.

  3. header: Specifies which row in the CSV file should be used as the header. By default, the first row is used.

  4. index_col: Specifies which column should be used as the index for the DataFrame. By default, no column is used as the index.

  5. usecols: Specifies which columns should be read from the CSV file.

  6. dtype: Specifies the data type of each column.

  7. na_values: Specifies the values that should be treated as NaN (Not a Number).

  8. skiprows: Specifies the number of rows to skip before reading the data.

  9. nrows: Specifies the number of rows to read from the CSV file.

Let's say we have a CSV file named "data.csv" with the following contents:

Name, Age, City John, 25, New York Mike, 32, London Sarah, 28, Sydney Bob, 30, Paris Alice, 27, Berlin

And let's say we only want to select the rows from the middle of the file, specifically the rows from "Mike, 32, London" to "Bob, 30, Paris".

To do this, we can use the skiprows and nrows parameters in pandas.read_csv(). We can set skiprows to 2 (to skip the first two rows), and nrows to 3 (to select the next three rows).

Here's the code:

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', skiprows=2, nrows=3


Mike 32 London 0 Sarah 28 Sydney 1 Bob 30 Paris

As you can see, the code selects the three rows from "Mike, 32, London" to "Bob, 30, Paris", and skips the first two rows.

Note that the skiprows and nrows parameters are zero-indexed, meaning that the first row has an index of 0. In the example above, we skipped the first two rows (indexes 0 and 1) and selected the next three rows (indexes 2, 3, and 4).

In summary, using the skiprows and nrows parameters in pandas.read_csv() allows us to select data from the middle of a CSV file. By skipping a certain number of rows and selecting a certain number of rows, we can select the desired portion of the file.


In this blog, we have learned how to use pandas.read_csv to read CSV data into a pandas DataFrame. This function is useful for data scientists and analysts who need to work with CSV data in their Python projects. With its numerous options and flexibility, pandas.read_csv makes it easy to read CSV files and perform data analysis and manipulation. For more information on the different parameters that can be used with pandas.read_csv, check out the pandas documentation.

How to Work with Files in Python

File handling is an essential part of any programming language, and Python makes it easy to read and write data to and from files. In this blog post, we'll take a look at how to work with files in Python, including opening, reading, and writing to files.

Opening a File

To open a file in Python, you can use the open() function. The open() function takes two arguments: the name of the file you want to open, and the mode in which you want to open the file. There are three modes you can open a file in:

  • r: Read mode - used when you only want to read the contents of the file
  • w: Write mode - used when you want to write to the file, overwriting any existing content
  • a: Append mode - used when you want to add new content to the end of the file

Here's an example of opening a file in read mode:

file = open('example.txt', 'r')

Once you have opened a file, you can use various methods to read or write data to the file.

Reading from a File

To read the contents of a file in Python, you can use the read() method. The read() method returns the entire contents of the file as a single string. Here's an example:

with open('example.txt', 'r') as file: 
    contents = 

This code will read the entire contents of the example.txt file and print it to the console.

You can also read the contents of a file line by line using the readline() method. Here's an example:

with open('example.txt', 'r') as file: 
    line = file.readline() 
    while line: 
        line = file.readline()

This code will read the example.txt file line by line and print each line to the console.

Another way to read the contents of a file line by line is to use the readlines() method, which returns a list of all the lines in the file. Here's an example:

with open('example.txt', 'r') as file: 
    lines = file.readlines() 
    for line in lines: 

This code will read the example.txt file and print each line to the console.

Writing to a File

To write data to a file in Python, you can use the write() method. The write() method writes a string to the file. Here's an example:

with open('example.txt', 'w') as file: 
    file.write('Hello, world!')

This code will write the string "Hello, world!" to the example.txt file, overwriting any existing content.

If you want to add new content to the end of a file, you can use the append() method instead of the write() method. Here's an example:

with open('example.txt', 'a') as file: 
    file.write('This is some new content.')

This code will add the string "This is some new content." to the end of the example.txt file.

Closing a File

It's important to close a file after you're done working with it to free up system resources. In Python, you can close a file using the close() method. Here's an example:

file = open('example.txt', 'r'
# do something with the file 

This code will close the example.txt file after you're done working with it.

Exception Handling

When working with files, it's important to handle any potential errors that may arise, such as a file not existing or being unable to write to a file. In Python, you can use a try/except block to handle these errors. Here's an example:

    with open('example.txt', 'r') as file: 
        contents = 
except FileNotFoundError: 
    print('The file does not exist.')

This code will attempt to read the contents of the example.txt file, but if the file doesn't exist, it will print an error message.


File handling is an essential part of programming in Python, and it's important to understand how to work with files. In this blog post, we've covered how to open, read from, write to, and close files in Python. We've also looked at how to handle errors that may occur when working with files. With this knowledge, you'll be able to work with files in Python and build powerful programs that can read and write data to files.