Showing posts with label Interceptors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interceptors. Show all posts

Simplifying API Communication in React with Axios

Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript applications. In React, Axios can be used to fetch data from APIs and manage the application's data flow. In this blog post, we'll look at how to use Axios in a React application.

Installing Axios

To get started with Axios, you'll need to install it as a dependency in your project. You can do this using npm or yarn. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install axios


yarn add axios

Once you've installed Axios, you can import it into your React component as follows:

import axios from 'axios';

Making HTTP requests with Axios

Axios provides a simple and consistent API for making HTTP requests. To make a GET request to an API endpoint, you can use the axios.get() method. Here's an example:

axios.get('') .then(response => {
}) .catch(error =>

In this example, we're making a GET request to the JSONPlaceholder API, which returns a list of posts in JSON format. We're then logging the response data to the console.

Axios also supports other HTTP methods, such as POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Here's an example of how to make a POST request:'', { 
    title: 'foo'
    body: 'bar'
    userId: 1 
}) .then(response =>
}) .catch(error =>

In this example, we're making a POST request to the JSONPlaceholder API with a JSON payload that includes a title, body, and userId.

Handling responses and errors

Axios returns a Promise that resolves to the server's response. You can use the then() method to handle the response data and the catch() method to handle any errors that occur. Here's an example:

axios.get('') .then(response => {      
}) .catch(error =>

In this example, we're logging the response data to the console if the request succeeds. If an error occurs, we're logging the error to the console.

Using Axios with React components

To use Axios in a React component, you'll typically make the API request in a lifecycle method, such as componentDidMount(), and update the component's state with the response data. Here's an example:

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; class Posts extends Component { state = { posts: [] } componentDidMount() { axios.get('') .then(response => { this.setState({ posts: }); }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); }); } render() { const { posts } = this.state; return ( <div> <h1>Posts</h1> <ul> { => ( <li key={}>{post.title}</li> ))} </ul> </div> ); } } export default Posts;

In this example, we're fetching a list of posts from the JSONPlaceholder API in the componentDidMount() method and updating the component state with the response data. We're then rendering the list of posts using the map() method.

Interceptors and default configurations

Axios provides interceptors that allow you to intercept requests and responses before they are handled by then() or catch(). This can be useful for adding headers, handling authentication, or modifying the request/response data.

For example, you can add a default authorization header to all requests using an interceptor:

axios.interceptors.request.use(config =>
    config.headers.authorization = 'Bearer my-auth-token'
    return config; 

You can also set default configurations, such as a base URL, timeout, or response type:

axios.defaults.baseURL = ''; axios.defaults.timeout = 5000; axios.defaults.responseType = 'json';


In this blog post, we've looked at how to use Axios in a React application. We've covered how to install Axios, make HTTP requests, handle responses and errors, and use Axios with React components. We've also briefly touched on interceptors and default configurations.

Axios is a powerful and flexible library that can simplify the process of making HTTP requests in a React application. With its consistent API and support for interceptors and default configurations, Axios can help you build robust and efficient applications that communicate with APIs.
