Showing posts with label cloud computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloud computing. Show all posts

Getting Started with AWS Lambda: A Beginner's Guide

AWS Lambda is a powerful compute service that allows you to build serverless applications quickly and easily. With Lambda, you can run your code in response to events or on a schedule, without the need to provision or manage servers. In this beginner's guide, we'll introduce you to the basics of AWS Lambda and show you how to create your first Lambda function.


Before you get started with AWS Lambda, you'll need an AWS account and a basic understanding of programming concepts. You should also be familiar with the AWS Management Console and have the AWS CLI installed on your local machine.

Creating a Lambda Function:

To create a Lambda function, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Lambda service.
  • Click the "Create function" button.
  • Choose a blueprint or a runtime for your function. Blueprints are pre-built templates for common use cases, while runtimes allow you to write your code in your preferred programming language.

  • Configure your function. You'll need to give your function a name, choose an execution role, and specify the amount of memory and the timeout duration.
  • Write your code. You can write your code directly in the Lambda console or upload a zip file containing your code.
  • Test your function. You can test your function in the Lambda console or using the AWS CLI.
  • Deploy your function. Once you're satisfied with your function, you can deploy it to Lambda by clicking the "Deploy" button.

Sample Code:

Here's an example of a simple Lambda function written in Node.js that prints "Hello, World!" to the console:

exports.handler = async (event) => { 
    console.log("Hello, World!"); 

This function is triggered by an event and logs a message to the console. You can customize this function to perform more complex tasks, such as processing data, calling APIs, or sending notifications.


  1. AWS Lambda documentation:
  2. AWS Lambda getting started guide:
  3. AWS Lambda tutorials:
  4. AWS Lambda developer guide:


AWS Lambda is a powerful compute service that allows you to build serverless applications quickly and easily. By following the steps outlined in this beginner's guide and using the sample code provided, you can create your first Lambda function and start building serverless applications in no time. With the wealth of resources and documentation available from AWS, you can continue to learn and explore the full capabilities of AWS Lambda.

Here are some reference books for AWS Lambda:

  1. AWS Lambda in Action: Event-driven serverless applications by Danilo Poccia Link:

  2. AWS Lambda: A Guide to Serverless Microservices by Matthew Fuller Link:

  3. Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda by Peter Sbarski Link:

  4. Mastering AWS Lambda: Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications with AWS Lambda by Yohan Wadia Link:

  5. Hands-On Serverless Applications with Go: Build real-world, production-ready applications with AWS Lambda by Mohamed Labouardy Link:

These books provide a comprehensive guide to AWS Lambda, from the basics to advanced topics. They cover a range of programming languages and use cases, and provide hands-on examples and best practices for building serverless applications with AWS Lambda.

Cloud computing concept on blog

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is means accessing and carrying data but not in any physical devices like hard disk, pen drive etc. i.e you are accessing data by some user credentials login.

Example :

you are accessing your personal email on any email account like gmail, yahoo, outlook etc.where we can check all personal email by logging in their website account in that case you are not carrying all email data in your physical storage device. 

And if you want to see in detail just go to this YouTube video link:
